日本財団 図書館


2. The provisions of Article 101 (except those under paragraph 1, item (5)), shall apply to approval under the preceding paragraph.


3. When the scheduled carrier alters its business program as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, it shall serve prior notice for such alterations to the minor part of its business program specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, and shall report that effect to the Minister of Transport without delay.


(Agreement Concerning Carriage)
Article 110. When any scheduled air carrier establishes a contract concerning joint carriage, fare agreement and other agreements relating to transportation with another carrier, the former shall obtain approval from the Minister of Transport.
The same shall apply to any change thereof.


2. The Minister of Transport shall grant approval under the preceding paragraph when the agreement promotes the public interest.


(Exception from Application of the Law concerning the Prohibition of Private Monopoly and the Methods of Preserving Fair Trade)
Article 111. The provisions of the Law concerning the Prohibition of Private Monopoly and the Methods of Preserving Fair Trade (law No. 54 of 1947) shall not apply to any lawful act effected upon approval under paragraph 1 of the preceding Article. However, the same shall not apply in case where unfair methods of competition are used or an unreasonable increase in the fares, rates or charges is made possible by limiting competition in the specific field of trade.


(Order for Improvement of Business)
Article 112. When he deems that the public welfare may be adversely affected with regard to the business of any scheduled air carrier, the Minister of Transport may order the carrier to do any of the following;
(1)To alter the business program;
(2)To alter fares, rates, charges or conditions of carriage;
(3)To improve aircraft and other facilities;
(4)To establish an insurance contract underwrite reparations for damage or injury due to aircraft accidents.


(Utilisation of Title, Loan of Business, etc.)
Article 113. No scheduled carrier shall allow another person to utilise his license for scheduled air service.


2. No scheduled carrier shall allow another person to operate its business in its name whether by loan of the business or by other means.





